Ariel brand information
Manufacturing company:
Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble Service GmbH
Sulzbacher Str. 40
65824 Schwalbach am Taunus
In Germany, the Ariel brand from Procter & Gamble has been on the market since the early 1960s and has developed into one of the best-selling detergents in Europe. Ariel's first all-purpose detergent appeared in 1968. The cult advertising figure "Klementine" quickly made Ariel a household name in Germany. Ariel Ultra, launched in 1989, was the first compact detergent to reduce detergent consumption by a third.
In the following years, new innovative detergents were introduced to the market again and again. These developments included washing powders with multifunctional ingredients (Ariel Color, Future Color), refill packs and dosing aids as well as a stain pen for the handbag (Ariel Pocket) and Ariel cold-active, a detergent that cleans even at low temperatures of 20°C and above.